

Klara is a lifelong learner and an architect who, after working closely with people from various backgrounds, decided to follow her passion about empowering others to heal and grow - to live from the heart.

In the past four years, she trained to become an Internal Family Systems IFSL1 practitioner and trauma-informed life coach, guiding her clients in the process of embodiment and authentic relating, with the kind, compassionate languages of ***NVC**™, **SE* and the ***Wheel of Consent*®.

Klara is a strong believer in the power of humanistic education, she has been an academic teacher for almost a decade and has an MA degree in Architecture. During the pandemic, while helping herself and her students to cope with the lockdown, she fell in love with the IFS model and couldn’t be ever more grateful for that encounter.

She is now offering 1:1 IFS sessions to both Romanian and English speakers who are curious to explore the healing power of their own Self Energy.

“I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

―Rainer Maria Rilke (Letters to a Young Poet)

Individual Sessions

<aside> 🔆 ONE new online client seat available starting in July 2024*

*Weekly Sessions, 55/85 minute meetings on Zoom (or any app you prefer). Free Access to written materials I developed for my clients. First access to join monthly online IFS Circles (nope, not group therapy, but a community space for practicing authentic relating with presence and empathy).



Title: You Are Still Here (2013)
Artist: Mona Hatoum / Barjeel Art Foundation

Title: You Are Still Here (2013) Artist: Mona Hatoum / Barjeel Art Foundation

You are what you’re looking for**.**

Self-growth with IFS is a way of investing in yourself: you will learn to authentically show up for yourself, in order to support and heal the parts in you which have been waiting for help (some of them, for a very long time)

Are you ready to drop…


…low self worth

…people pleasing

…poor coping mechanisms

…poor boundaries?

And step into

…inner clarity


…self compassion

…inner freedom

…authentic connections?

Meet Your Guide

<aside> 🌻 The journey of being human is so fascinating to me! Learn More

